⌬ Lecture №2 | The Unconscious Ex-sists & The Return of the Repressed

In this episode of The Introductory Podcast Lectures on Psychodynamic Praxis, we cover the idea that the unconscious does not exist, it ex-sists, and it insists. We also cover the idea of the return of the repressed. This podcast lecture is produced in association with Surplus Jouissance Projects & the Aurora University school of social work.
  • Review -- The unconscious is a part of you with a mind & desires of its own.
  • Sometimes what the unconscious desires/plans is not what you consciously desire/plan. 
  • The unconscious is like a ghost haunting our day-to-day lives. 
  • The unconscious ghost (desire) is trying to tell us something, if we hear what it has to say it will stop haunting us. 
  • Repression is a reaction to trauma. 
  • Repression always starts as a solution to a problem, then later on it becomes a problem when it returns. 
  • Repression keeps happening until we contend with what is being repressed. 

⌬ Lecture №2 | The Unconscious Ex-sists & The Return of the Repressed
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